Greenz Kerala Marketing & Impex Private Limited.
Greenz Kerala Marketing & Impex Private Limited is an agricultural product, value added product, food processing, fried snacks, baking product company established in the year 2013 with headquarters at Thrissur, Kerala, focusing on the procurement, supply and export of agricultural products and their value-added products.

Who We Are ?.
India is a rich country, but most of the Indians are poor. We believe that there can’t be any poor people if the right thing is done in the right way at the right place and right time. It was keeping this in mind that we founded Greenz Kerala Marketing & Impex Pvt Ltd 8 years ago. Our idea is to show the helpless and clueless people the right way to march forward with confidence to a lucrative venture earning a permanent income.
Our Products.

Though ours is a private limited company, we believe that we have a strong commitment towards society and thereby to our motherland. Hence we have selected a few areas where we could show our presence.

01 Self-Sufficiency
Self-Sufficiency does not mean narrowness. To be self-sufficient is not to be altogether self-contained. In no circumstances would we be able to produce all the things we need, nor do we aim at doing so. So, though our aim is complete self-sufficiency, we shall have to get from outside the village what we cannot produce from our village.
02 Women Empowerment
Though we, the Indians, have high regard for women, we find many of them being ignored and ill-treated. Many educated and talented women are being suppressed and underutilized. The only way to improve their condition is through financial freedom. To enable them to get a steady income we are welcoming them to involve in our lucrative venture. They will be properly trained for the job. Government aid and bank loans will be arranged. Kiosks will be supplied.
03 Elderly and Differently-Abled Friendly Initiative
It’s a great sin that our society treats the old and differently-abled as useless beings and a societal burden. Even they feel that inferiority complex because no one recognizes their potential. We are extending a helping hand to them also. Those who are healthy and ready to work among them will be selected, trained and given opportunities to make their living. Thus we would like to see them uplifted in society.
04 Expatriates
Thousands of people working abroad had to come back home jobless and empty-handed due to the outbreak of COVID 19. We know that they have been the main pillars of our economy. When they had to return unexpectedly, the future was a big question mark for them. Though Government and NGOs are trying hard to rehabilitate them it has become a Herculean task as the number is in lakhs. We are playing our part here also. Qualified, talented and ready-to-work expatriates will be identified and absorbed in our venture. Necessary training will be imparted, guidance will be given to set up the office and arrange vehicles.